Jeff 24th birthday

The jellyfish is back! Today is the 1st of June, another year has passed. =)

For the past few years, I went out for dinner with friends. This year, I worked in the day, and ate with my family. Simple dinner (although with better dishes) and a cake. So for today...

Breakfast, eat with SH (my gf liao haha) <3
Lunch, eat with the interns. Thanks ppl for the birthday wishes ^_^
Dinner, eat with my parents. Simple dinner at the coffeeshop :)

Just when work gets super tough and I feel like giving up, nothing is more heartwarming than eating with your loved ones. They will be your mental support through the tough times. :) 

Oh yeah, today the intern couple Si Kai and Ana bought a small Starbucks cake (hazelnut, chocolate and cookie crumble) and gave me while I was working on the programming stuff. I was really touched, thank u SK and Ana. :D

And on that note, happy 24th birthday Jeff~ :)


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