
Showing posts from November, 2016

Tree traversal

"After guy D said the wrong thing, he kena left right center by everyboody." If we look at this from a tree perspective, it means everybody is doing a post order traversal on guy D. Ok that's random haha bye. =P

Y4S1 end of week 13

The jellyfish is back! It's been a long time since I made a post, due to the somewhat busy school life, mixed with a lot of random stuff~~ So it's the finally the end of week 13, and as usual, the start of a less intense life during the semester. =) For this semester, I have read some basic readings for the FYP, done a small exercise using a debugger, enjoyed learning the CZ2001 course and had a rough (but worth it) time for the Neural Networks course. Along the way, I also managed to read the MAS434 module with SH (<3), revised some C++ with Marcus' floods of phone calls and questions. =P I thought that Y4S1 would be a rather relaxing semester since there are only 2 modules, but apparently not really. It seems to be more hectic than Y3S1, but definitely better than Y3S2. ^^ ~~~ MATLAB TA Today also marks the last day of being a MATLAB TA. Overall it has been a fun module, easy to learn and stuff. Every sem, I will tell myself to give less hints as compared to t