1267 calls

The jellyfish is back! =D

Just putting in some memories about the cases anniversary...

100th call - NSF with asthma, conveyed from home with PM Ade.
200th call - Very jialat RTA at 400+ Yishun, 1st time grounded with PM Pam.
300th call - Assessing a runaway thief at a ulu Yishun road with PM Herda.
400th call - DOA 99 years old at SWAMI with PM Pam.
500th call - 9 years old kid fall down, RC with PM Richard.
600th call - Adult query AMI at SBW clinic with PM Richard.
700th call - CL woman called 2nd time for post-assault at home with PM Rahul.
800th call - 21 years old eye swollen, RC with PM Saiful.
900th call - Elderly asthma at Chong Pang at 4.30am with PM Rahul.
1000th call - Post fits with PM Ade.
1100th call - 1am RTA at CTE with PM Herda.
1200th call - 701B old lady back pain, own written ACR with PM Rahul.


1st duty (with PM Rahul)

1st call - Young girl unconscious, more like unresponsive. P2
2nd call - Guy emotional problem, wants to get best in class, Refused conveyance
3rd call - 3am old lady asthma
4th call - Guy saying he kena whacked by people, injuries all over, P3

Last duty (also with PM Rahul)

1264th call - 17 year old feeling weak, had fits the previous day.
1265th call - Indian daughter wanted her father to be sent to hospital because of pus on leg.
1266th call - Middle aged lady claimed she had LOC.
1267th call - Middle aged lady complained of chest tightness

Total no. of cases: 1267


With that, ORD lo! ^^ Hopefully reservist attachments would have better calls ya? :)


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