Things learnt in Y1S1W2

What I have learnt in this week...

8/2 is technically NOT equals to 4/1.
'Only if' has a completely DIFFERENT meaning from 'If and only if'.
Just because something is not rational, doesn't mean its irrational.
Everything I knew about limit is simply inaccurate and not precise
WL and my knowledge of tangent is si bei cui.
If the conclusion is F -> F in logic theory, then any arguments are valid.
Real number is a subset of complex number.
The PJ graphing technique transformation notes is not flexible. o_O
Nobody gets coding theory.


Exercise does not only include gyming / jogging at a place, it happens when you have to rush from the South spine com lab to the North Spine LT as the lecture notes is uploaded only 15mins before the lecture. -_-!!!

Keep a good habit of saving computer work on a regular basis! Unless you want a celebration when the whole com lab computers shut down for no damn of reason.

The Linear Algebra lecturer is not that bad after all. If you humble yourself and pay attention, there's a whole lot of things to learn from him. Seriously.

Time to start doing homework!


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