A half-day at lot 1

A random day at lot 1...

- A bank guy asked if I started working, only to realise that I was still in uni and commented that studying in uni is awesome.
- A china couple asked for directions to go to the zoo on a rainy afternoon.

I saw

- very tall Sean (confirm taller than PH) at the escalator, I knew him since we were in the same childcare, and subsequently met at BP. 
- 2 guys at KFC which I have sort of forgotten the name but am 100% sure they are from chess club.
- My fire station Rota 1 DRC, Encik Andrew. Or rather he used to be a DRC. He has dyed his hair red! 


3 years ago, me and War were studying in KFC, struggling through the difficult physics and chem problems, thinking about how good it will be if we could be accepted to uni straightaway, or just start uni life (a different experience). Only got the 2 of us as WL preferred to study at home (play maple?) and PH preferred to study(?) at home.

3 years later, me and War are still studying KFC, struggling through the confusing philosophy passages and the weird calculus questions, thinking about how good it will be if uni life is just as carefree as JC life, or just go back to the anyhow life (a fun experience). Only got the 2 of us as WL still prefers to study at home (seriously still playing maple?) and PH... is special(?).

Did we say that we will strive to do well? Nah don't think so, not so atas. =/


NTU life ok la. Not exactly a very nice timetable, but I'm fine with the distribution. It's a different experience if you have girls in the hangout group, unlike the different groups of 4 for the past few years... I wonder if this would last long. o.o This would mean seperation from previous groups / common hangout people. Perhaps some would get a relationship and ignore friendship, and oh that's another contact gone. =/

No, not many hipsters walking around singing '22', even though some really looked like they just came back from clubbing. o.o


War didn't know the weightage of the different subjects in PSLE, and thus his mystery is solved when I told him then maths is only scaled to 50/300. 9 years, case closed, a bit late uh~


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