Comments on WL's IKEA post

The jellyfish is back! With request from WL, I would be commenting on his post~!

So here's what the different colours mean. 

Red simply means a wrong/redundant word. 
Yellow simply means my comment added in between WL's words. Yep, more than words.
Green simply means 'Like' without further comments
Blue simply means my own comments after the whole quoted paragraph / few sentences.

So an example goes like this:

WL doesn't like Cody Simpsons songs, as he thinks the songs focus too much on liking girls (Well, he can't be liking boys right?). He deletes everything and empties the recycle bin, along with his outdated porn videos! (Ultimate destruction siol!)

Jeff: That's no wonder. WL prefers Justin Bieber songs mah. =P

So here's goes the comments! ^^ 


“Hey hey as I read through my initial draft of an unfinished post, I almost always have the urge of referring to Jefferson’s blog to see if I had missed out any valuable plot points to be lolled at.”

Jeff: [Wao my post as if all jokes sia!]


“Having arranged to meet at Jcube just half an hour before the movie starts is evidently not sufficient (30 mins excluding buying food, buying drinks, buying random stuff, late time, cannot find place, cannot find ATM and most importantly buying KOI), as Warren obviously have some stuff to do, which led to him being late. As for me, also late cos I tot the venue was Jurong point. Aiya nvm la. Warren late also (no surprises there). While me and Warren were rushing to the venue, Jefferson was already chillaxing inside Jcube. Eh wait, he wasn’t. He was trying to find an ATM, but the feng shui master of Jcube decided there wasn’t a spot auspicious enough to install a POSB/DBS ATM so too bad lol.”


“Luckily this is one of the few times (Eh not 1st time?) actually have some spare money left during the weekend. So I paid for the tickets first (Aiseh rich siol!). Movie: tai chi something 2.”


“As random like part 1, the story continues with the protagonist doing mostly random stuff and the antagonist speaking English with a WEIRD accent that made Warren ROFLed a lot. It is also noted that the angmohs also have WEIRD accents. Overall a random funny movie with a good laugh.”

Jeff: When Warren reads off the Chinese words from the exhibits in the National Library Gallery, you get about the same thing. WL would agree to that. =P


“When Jefferson finally found an auspicious location with an ATM, I was happily suggesting(?) (there is no doubt about the happily) for Warren to buy a hoodie (^.^)v but of course he didn’t and in response remarked “only you wear hoodie what”. Feel like smacking his face.”

Jeff: Truth to be told, other than WL, I seriously don’t see anybody else around me wearing hoodies. Jackets, yes. Hoodies, nah.


“After what seemed like forever and always to Jefferson/Warren, I finished my milk tea with grass jelly. We were headed to ikea! By the way, it’s not my idea to go there! Totally Jefferson’s idea! See previous post.”


WL’s (copied) salad post: What Jeff wanted: “To go IKEA and eat dinner around there, no need movie.”
Jeff’s post: “Truth to be told, the IKEA suggestion is so random until me and War had simply forgotten about it.”

Only WL remembered! Someone should give him a prize for his memory! :D


“Perhaps Jefferson didn’t really mind heading down to town.. Warren and I were contemplating whether bugis was a viable option. Just then, the bus that drives to mrt station appeared out of nowhere when I was deep (no wad!?) in thought. With typical Singaporeans rushing to board the bus, I quietly waited for my turn to board the almost full bus. Somehow I didn’t really like rushing to board the bus. Same goes for trains or almost any kind of queues.” (-_-)

Jeff: No wonder WL always late for outings sia!


Even though he dosen’t look like the person whose grandmother populated the area 10 years ago when Koi have yet to extend their empire to these regions, Jefferson and I decided to put our trust in Warren so much that we [regretfully] appointed him to navigate the group to pizza hut. If you had thought the ulu place I was referring to is Anchorpoint, then you will be strictly surprised (aw not strictly pancakes).

How Jeff sees War’s grandmother in the purple-highlighted reference…


“Led by field arty trained Warren (cui), we pushed on through the windy (?) roads, endured torrents (!) of rain and occasionally took shelter under what is commonly referred to by the locals as HDB flats. We were tired, cold, desperate and some say hungry. Just when motivation was running low amongst us, Jefferson the Elder (it’s only a few months!) gave his motivation speech. For whatever Warren failed in (a lot), Jefferson knows he can accomplish it (Jeff uses rage!). If only Warren can conveniently take out his phone and refer online to the map which no one actually thought of when we started (we thought War knew the way!). Oh wait that’s exactly what we did. With the aid of that strange piece of technology (GPS) Warren had recently acquired, Jefferson was able to harness the sealed power within it, we had finally reached the structure that was residing on Clementi Ave 3.”


“Amazingly, the architecture was not too difficult for us as Jefferson and I had similar encounters of places being in the midst of a random neighbourhood. Because of that, we had no problem locating the primary entrance into the sacred location, what awaits us is to uncover the secret entrance within the so-called real entrance which often is used to trick the minds of the commoners.”

Jeff: Since WL and I didn’t get tricked, and we are commoners, we are…


Based on our sources, it was rumoured that the exact designation is #01-309 (2nd Level)


So ya drama much, just to find a stupid pizza hut. Haiya if I knew, would have went lot1 instead sianzz (No!). Ok pretty much that happens now was quite boring compared to venturing the streets in search for a location (Adventurous, yes. Interesting, no.) which may have been closed down (like Kbox =P).”

Jeff: We could have went to Bugis!


“basically Jefferson ate food. Warren ate food. I ate awesome food.”

Jeff: To those parts highlighted in green~


“Just to comment on Pizza Hut’s auspicious and awesome idea of opening an outlet INSIDE courts is not a food(?) idea as it is rather stupid becos nobody will think of looking there!!

Jeff: When WL means nobody, he is simply excluding the residents who live in Clementi, and I am guessing even some people living in Clementi don’t even know that there’s a pizza hut until they have visited Courts!


“When you, said you, need space, what?~

Jeff: We, are never ever, ever, getting back together!”


“took me long enough to finish the post XP

Jeff: That’s why I purposely drag time to comment. =P


That's all! I've never been good with words, well at least not the sweet kind. :)


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